Sunday, September 22, 2013

Di's challenge at The Scrapbooking Hut

Hello everyone, as you may or may not know.. I have been chosen by Di to be a part of her Creative Team at The Hut. I am extremely excited, honoured and humbled to be a part of this amazingly talented lineup of scrappers. To have a look at Di's challenge pop on over to and have a little play along. This challenge is a "doozy" (to say the least) After reading the instructions I felt totally out of my comfort zone and nearly resigned before I had started l.o.l.! But all good now, and here is my take.


Dolly B said...

Well Cheryl I am glad you kept going as this is just gorgeous! LOVE it all and a big congrats on the DT x

Rachael Funnell said...

WoooHooo Cheryl CONGRATS on the DT spot!!SO happy for you.. LOL! when you said nearly resigned before you started with the challenge!!
The strips of paper in your background looks AWESOME!!
FAN FAB U LAS layout girl....

Jo said...

Wow Cheryl! Congratulations! and this is such a beautiful page. I so love the colour. I'm sure you will do a wonderful job on the DT. xx

Helen Wallace said...

Congratulations your soft and beautiful page.....had a smile when you mentioned feels like that at times and often they end up being the best layouts :)

Cheryl said...

Thanks ladies for the bloglovin', makes my day xx

Chook (Di) said...

Gorgeous layout Cheryl - you have followed the instructions to the letter :) xx